Group Therapy

A place where insight is possible through connection


Depth Psychotherapy Groups

From my perspective therapeutic groups have changed over the past 10 years; they have become more collaborative and diverse. The way I work is not to pathologize or label but to offer a heart-based approach that shines a light on how our personal relationships are naturally recreated in the present moment enactments with group members.

Old patterns and defenses will emerge, as we move toward another in an effort to connect. The group becomes a container for holding space and feelings until it is safe for expression, and a conduit for nurturing compassion and understanding.

Awareness of self, awareness of others, and being in the here and now, are pivotal to encountering the inner life of the group. This is where you can work with what arises from the past in the present moment – creating new and positive pathways that transform old patterns, with the support of others who share your struggles.

If you are interested in participating in a group, please call or email. Due to the current environment the date of the next group is to be determined when it safer to gather.

Group fee is $150/monthly –for 1.5 hr. weekly session over 3 months

Please inquire about different types of groups offered and fees


“We meet ourselves time and time again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.”

— C. G. Jung


What to expect

All group members are treated with respect and understanding. They are given time to settle into the experience without pressure to disclose or speak in the group until they feel safe and ready.

As group members begin to risk speaking out freely and openly, it becomes an invitation for other members to share, maybe for the first time in their lives, creating security in a non-judgemental and accepting place. Eventually self-understanding and understanding of others predominates.

Group work is generally experiential which brings in expressive and body-centered means to reaching into the stories and deepening the work.